A sustainable way of spending your money on things that really matter.
All our proceeds go to support educational projects in underprivileged areas.
Come on in, let’s show you around.
Chic Mamas Do Care Durban
The Chic Mamas Do Care Durban shop is located at 2 Cedar Road, Westville and is currently open from Tuesdays to Fridays from 10am till 4pm and Saturdays from 10am till 1pm. There’s safe, secure parking outside and inside, rails and rails of gorgeous clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories just waiting to be discovered. All of excellent quality and unbeatable price tags!
We also welcome donations of any items you no longer want or wear. It is thanks to all of our donors, that our stock is ever changing.
Keep your eyes peeled on our social media page for our monthly shop events including HALF PRICE weeks when everything on the rails is discounted by 50% and our SWAP4CHARITY events, whereby you can bring 4-6 good quality preloved items in exchange for Chic tokens to spend in the shop. Please note that the token is of a nominal value, to express our gratitude for your donations and is run purely on a swap for charity rather than a one for one basis.
We look forward to seeing you!
Please visit our website at chicmamasdocaredurban.co.za for information on our Durban projects.
Chic Mamas Do Care Durban, where fashion meets fundraising for a fabulous cause.
Keen to see what’s available in our
Durban online shop?

Meet the Team of
Chic Mamas Do Care, Durban
Jenny heads up a team of 24 volunteers whose dominant interests include a passion for fashion and/or education.
The team focuses on uplifting Early Childhood Development conditions in impoverished areas around Durban. Grants from corporates, and funds raised at three fashion events during the year, are invested in the maintenance of existing preschools; the installation and equipping of new preschools; and sponsoring accredited ECD training for teachers at those preschools.
The mission of this team is to see flourishing, stand-alone preschools with teachers who are equipped and empowered to release school-ready preschoolers into Grade R. This team believes that early childhood development is foundational to success in life and that effective ECD can ultimately break the cycle of poverty for many individuals.
Meet Jenny Du Bois, Coordinator of Chic Mamas Do Care, Durban

Jenny has been part of the Durban Mamas since August 2013.
She is an ex-teacher with a BSC HDE qualification.
She is married to Mark and they have two married sons and young grandchildren.
Whilst she joined Chic Mamas with a strong fashion interest, her heart now leans more strongly towards seeing transformation in the lives of the preschoolers and communities served by this team.
Meet Natalie, our Durban Shop Manager

Natalie Maccallum joined the Durban Mamas in early 2019. Her passion for fashion and experience in the field of Early Childhood Development rapidly made her a valued member of the team.
In early 2021, Natalie was appointed manager of the Durban Chic Mamas shop, and of Durban’s component of the Chic Mamas online website, Love It Again. She oversees both areas with style, efficiency and excellence fuelled by an unrelenting passion for fashion and all things preloved. Her willingness to go the extra mile and make a difference shines through in all Natalie’s dealings with appreciative supporters, who leave the shop feeling uplifted and valued.
Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others!
B.T. Washington
Projects We Support

Umzamo Day Care Centre
Preschool and Creche
We met the amazing Nomusa Dlungwana who single-handedly cared for up to 20 children, 6 days per week, aged from 3mths to 6yrs. Whilst the children were being safely baby sat, there was no awareness of the need for developmental stimulation, and under those trying circumstances it simply wasn’t possible.
Fast forward to 2020, and Umzamo is now a fully functional preschool and crèche. It is positioned on a spacious site on the edge of the informal settlement. Safely fenced, it consists of three classroom structures, 2 play areas, a water-harvesting system and ablutions.

House of Hope Preschool
and Creche
The supervisor of House of Hope, Maureen Dlamini, approached Chic Mamas in early 2016 for assistance. She was caring for 35 children in a 4m x 5m room in her home and requested help with larger premises. After many challenges, the new House of Hope preschool opened in November 2017.
It is fully fenced, for security and safety and Chic Mamas installed a large 12m converted container classroom and water harvesting system. The beautiful playground equipment was sponsored by SA HOME LOANS and waterless ablutions were sponsored by Envir-Loo.

Zamokuhle Preschool
and Creche
From day one, this project rolled out with favour at every turn. By mid July 2019, within a month of the land being levelled, the new Zamokuhle preschool was installed and operational. Grants from MySchool Card, LUSH SA and CMH, together with Chic Mamas funding, has produced a vibrant preschool consisting of two converted container classroom, waterless ablutions, a playground and a water harvesting system.
Zethu has employed three assistants.One completed her Educare Training, one begun training through the council and Zethu began her first year at Caversham Education Institute in Feb 2020.

Teacher Training
Caversham Education Institute
Unless teachers are adequately equipped, they are unable to provide their preschoolers with the vital stimulation and early development children need for school readiness. We believe that our best means of impacting the greatest number of preschoolers, is through properly trained teachers.
One of our objectives is for our school supervisors to become empowered to function independently of Chic Mamas. Post installation, we walk alongside the schools for a limited period, assisting where necessary and guiding them in areas where skills or knowledge is lacking.

Entrepreneurial Project
Jumble Bags
In the communities associated with the schools we’ve installed, there are many unemployed women. Additionally, the schools need to raise additional funds.
The Durban team bags and sells jumble/unsold stock for a nominal amount to the women and to schools. All monies we receive from the sale of the bags is deposited.
Both groups then reap whatever profit they’re able to make. Part of their earnings is used to purchase further bags. This project allows the unemployed women to put food on the table and the schools to cover costs such as printing, taxi fares to training etc.
Contact Us
Chic Mamas Do Care Durban
2 Cedar Road,
Westville, Durban
Shop number
Operating Hours
Tuesday – Friday from 10am till 4pm
Saturday 10am till 1pm