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Uniting together
for a good cause.

Mamas from around the country stand together to make a bigger impact.

Come on in, meet our team.

Uniting together for
a good cause.

Mamas from around the country stand together to make a bigger impact.

Come on in, meet our team.

The Board of Trustees

Abigél Sheridan


I had the desire to do something about the scale of poverty and the lack of quality early childhood education in South Africa and with a few of my Friends we started to organise Exclusive Fashion Exchange parties in my home. The clothing became the tool to mobilize the community and the goodwill started to grow. That is how Chic Mamas Do Care was born.

Today, I am very happy with our progress and grateful for every person who is involved with us. Without our volunteers, we would be nowhere…Thank you for making our mission possible!

I am married to an Irishman and have 3 children. I am passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and bring more compassion to our World. I can only be truly happy if I know, I did my very best to uplift my fellow humans and created something great for our community. I thrive to achieve that every single day.

Abigél Sheridan


I had the desire to do something about the scale of poverty and the lack of quality early childhood education in South Africa and with a few of my Friends we started to organise Exclusive Fashion Exchange parties in my home.. The clothing became the tool to mobilize the community and the goodwill started to grow. That is how Chic Mamas Do Care was born.

Today, I am very happy with our progress and grateful for every person who is involved with us. Without our volunteers, we would be nowhere…Thank you for making our mission possible!

I am married to an Irishman and have 3 children. I am passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and bring more compassion to our World. I can only be truly happy if I know, I did my very best to uplift my fellow humans and created something great for our community. I thrive to achieve that every single day.

Kathy Cassells

I have been involved with Chic Mamas for many many years now, too many to count. I have a passion for fashion but more importantly a passion for sustainable fashion. A passion for making a difference in our own world as well as making a difference in the world of children who are not always able to orchestrate their own change.

During my time with Chic Mamas I have experienced the most incredible bond and partnership with fellow volunteers and with the co-ordinators of the projects we support, I rate it as one of the highlights of my life. I am a Mom to two adult children and a wife to an Attorney whose office I run when I’m not chatting up a storm in our beautiful shop.

I represent Chic Mamas at Vintage with Love which is an annual fashion sale much the same as what we do on a daily basis. Vintage with Love supports Early Childhood Development projects so the synergy is a perfect fit.

I have always believed that most people want to give but not all want to get their hands really really dirty – that’s ok.

At Chic Mamas we have created the perfect model to be involved, contributing in so many ways to the betterment of our youth and our world, every donated t-shirt counts or every hour volunteered, no one keeps a score card we just want you to be part of the change.

Chic Mamas has been the perfect fit for me, it covers all the bases that make me a very happy and fulfilled South African.

Kathy Cassells

I have been involved with Chic Mamas for many many years now, too many to count. I have a passion for fashion but more importantly a passion for sustainable fashion. A passion for making a difference in our own world as well as making a difference in the world of children who are not always able to orchestrate their own change.

During my time with Chic Mamas I have experienced the most incredible bond and partnership with fellow volunteers and with the co-ordinators of the projects we support, I rate it as one of the highlights of my life. I am a Mom to two adult children and a wife to an Attorney whose office I run when I’m not chatting up a storm in our beautiful shop.

I represent Chic Mamas at Vintage with Love which is an annual fashion sale much the same as what we do on a daily basis. Vintage with Love supports Early Childhood Development projects so the synergy is a perfect fit.

I have always believed that most people want to give but not all want to get their hands really really dirty – that’s ok.

At Chic Mamas we have created the perfect model to be involved, contributing in so many ways to the betterment of our youth and our world, every donated t-shirt counts or every hour volunteered, no one keeps a score card we just want you to be part of the change.

Chic Mamas has been the perfect fit for me, it covers all the bases that make me a very happy and fulfilled South African.

Colleen Houlie

My journey with Chic Mama’s Do Care started as a loyal customer many years
ago. My current role at Chic Mama’s is a natural extension of my passion for
ECD – it resonates with my values and desire to make a long- term difference
in our beautiful country. Chic Mama’s, ignites my charismatic and creative
side- I love fashion, education and conserving our planet.

I am at a beautiful stage of my life. My children are young adults and I now
have capacity to serve and do meaningful work. I am able to add value in
areas where my passion, skills and my heart intersect. I love people and I
am energised by connecting and engaging with people. Chic Mama’s ticks all
the boxes.

My greatest significant achievement in my life thus far, has been the
privilege that I have had to be a stay-at -home mom and raise, nurture and
influence my two children, alongside my husband, Sam, who works in the
Financial Services Industry.
Prior to having children, I completed my Post-Graduate studies, followed by
a stint in Corporate. In addition, I have served within the NPO sector, in
varying capacities.

It is a privilege for me to serve as a Trustee alongside such a gifted and
passionate group of Woman.

Margerett MacFarlane

I am a South African with 48 years’ experience in the business world. I ran my own successful manufacturing and export company, trading with 40 countries. I have travelled extensively through Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Far East.

My greatest business achievement was the founding and building of an electronics company, Ziton SA (Pty Ltd, that employed 600 people, had an office in the UK, and exported to over 40 countries.

I won the South African Businesswoman of the Year Award in 1992.

In addition, I have done volunteer work for organisations such as St Luke’s Hospice, where I trained as a Grief Counselor and Look Good Feel Better Cancer Workshops.

I have been happily married to Robert for 52 years, have 2 children and 2 teenage grandchildren. We all live in Hout Bay.

Colleen Houlie

My journey with Chic Mama’s Do Care started as a loyal customer many years
ago. My current role at Chic Mama’s is a natural extension of my passion for
ECD – it resonates with my values and desire to make a long- term difference
in our beautiful country. Chic Mama’s, ignites my charismatic and creative
side- I love fashion, education and conserving our planet.

I am at a beautiful stage of my life. My children are young adults and I now
have capacity to serve and do meaningful work. I am able to add value in
areas where my passion, skills and my heart intersect. I love people and I
am energised by connecting and engaging with people. Chic Mama’s ticks all
the boxes.

My greatest significant achievement in my life thus far, has been the
privilege that I have had to be a stay-at -home mom and raise, nurture and
influence my two children, alongside my husband, Sam, who works in the
Financial Services Industry.
Prior to having children, I completed my Post-Graduate studies, followed by
a stint in Corporate. In addition, I have served within the NPO sector, in
varying capacities.

It is a privilege for me to serve as a Trustee alongside such a gifted and
passionate group of Woman.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to all of our volunteers who make our mission possible! We have a strong circle of women who give so generously form their hearts and it is one of the key factors why we keep marching strongly. We are ever grateful to all of you Mamas, past or present volunteers.
Once a Chic Mama, will alway be a Chic Mama!

‘Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are
worthless, but because they are priceless…’

Sherry Anderson

Media Attention

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