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Why to shop at Chic Mamas? An other perspective by Patti, our volunteer

When I think of Chic Mamas I feel -  pure joy.   Chic Mamas is a  warm, friendly, affirming environment filled with welcoming smiles, helpfulness and affirmations.  Volunteering here is never a chore, never a matter of  -   oh no it’s my shift today - in fact,  most of the volunteers (of which I am fortunate to be one) come early and eagerly do their bit. Helping our customers to feel and look their best selves, and finding great items of…

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My Happy Place- a Trustee/Volunteer’s perspective

The Japanese word “Ikigai” has entered the global lexicon and closely describes my Chic Mamas experience. Over more than a decade, I have evolved from a regular Customer, to a Volunteer and most recently a Trustee. I can truly say that Chic Mamas found me and not the other way around. My Happy Place. Every time I think about Chic Mamas (which is often), it brings a smile to my face and lifts my spirit. It is where my passion…

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Every business should commit to a circular economy

While the circular economy has been studied since the 70s, the first circular economy action plan was adopted by the European Commission in 2015. Defined by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation as a "systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution", the circular economy is ultimately about reducing waste and creating resource efficiency.   Historically, issues around sustainability have been the concern of large corporates, but there’s been a shift, specifically since the Covid-19 pandemic,…

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For the love of Literacy

  We have just come out the other end after The Big Sale for Vintage with Love at the end of September 2022. What an incredible experience it was again & just so good to be back in a public space with all our supporters.   Chic Mamas are proud partners of Vintage with Love who work tirelessly for at least a year before the sale, collecting, sorting and pricing clothes to raise money for ECD and a number of…

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Reaching Further

Recently, a large study concluded in the UK revealed that being born in poverty often determines how your life will play out, what opportunities you will have, and your quality of life. Unless you have people who believe in you and uplift you as a person holistically – giving you a quality education – and a safe environment where you can reach your full potential, great opportunities and quality of life don’t come easily. Sadly, South Africans understand this all…

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The Sustainability Quest

The concept of sustainability as we know it today came to light in 1987 in the famous Brundtland Report produced by several countries for the UN. It was defined as meeting 'the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. For the first time, a concept had been established to relate humanity's development with the need to manage resources in the best way possible. This meant a very important change in terms…

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Volunteering full-heartedly

Volunteering – to give or to receive?  By Kathy Cassells volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə/ work for an organization without being paid. "volunteering is an easy way to get involved in practical conservation" Looking at the definition of what a volunteer is or volunteering to do something it is quite clear that to volunteer is to give. That may be so but when looking into the nitty gritty and true life experiences of volunteering the definition might present as something else. I speak…

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